/manager/Index en-au 5 High-resolution synchrotron X-ray fluorescence investigation of calcite coralloid speleothems: elemental incorporation and their potential as environmental archives /manager/Repository/uon:48378 Wed 15 Mar 2023 13:55:00 AEDT ]]> Localized zinc distribution in shark vertebrae suggests differential deposition during ontogeny and across vertebral structures /manager/Repository/uon:32832 intermedialis and was generally detected at levels an order of magnitude lower in the corpus calcareum,. In most species, zinc concentrations were higher pre-birth mark, indicating a high rate of pre-natal zinc deposition. These results suggest there are inter-specific differences in elemental deposition within vertebrae. Since the deposition of zinc is physiologically-driven, these differences suggest that the processes of growth and deposition are potentially different in the intermedialis and corpus calcareum, and that caution should be taken when extrapolating information such as annual growth bands from one structure to the other. Together these results suggest that the high inter-specific variation in vertebral zinc deposition and associated physiologies may explain the varying effectiveness of ageing methodologies applied to elasmobranch vertebrae.]]> Mon 23 Sep 2019 12:27:57 AEST ]]>